In this post you’ll learn how to use spell check in Adobe InDesign and another useful tool you can use which has changed the way I proofread my publications.
This guide will increase your efficiency in checking for any spelling mistakes before publication.
Let’s jump straight in.
Where Is Spell Check In InDesign?
The spell check tool in InDesign can be found by going to Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling.
Or you can use the shortcut ctrl+i or cmd+i.

Using InDesign Spell Check
Once you’ve opened spell check you’ll be presented with a pop up window that looks like this.

InDesign will highlight the errors and you’ll need to go through each error and use the action buttons – Change, Skip, Ignore All or Add to Dictionary.
Then click Done once you’re finished.
Feel free to watch my video on this in more detail.
Dynamic Spell Check In InDesign
What is dynamic spell check, you may ask?
The simplest way for me to describe it, is when you’re writing on a word document and you get the red line under a word if you’ve mispelt it.
That’s exactly what dynamic spelling is in Adobe InDesign.
It will also provide suggestions when you right-click on the incorrectly spelt word.

Now I didn’t know about this feature for the longest time and since I’ve been using it, it’s made pinpointing those errors early on large publications a life saver!
Perfecting Proofreading with Spell Check in InDesign
Now, proofreading in InDesign will be a breeze knowing that you don’t need to analyse every single word for a potential spelling mishap!
This guide has armed you with the knowledge you can carry throughout your InDesign journey.